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Phototherapy BBL - Skin Rejuvenation - Photofacial Calgary



Does it look like you have Sun-damaged skin?

At Skinpossible we help you say goodbye to Age Spots, Sun Damage, Melasma, and Rosacea with BBL Phototherapy.

Has fun in the sun left you covered in SPOTS?

They’re not freckles. It’s sun damage! Those spots are solar lentigines and they are called liver spots and age spots for good reason.

Nothing ages our skin faster than excessive, unprotected exposure to the sun. Sun damage can come in many forms and you might not even realize that you have it. Nor might you realize that the visible effect of sun damage on your skin can easily be erased with laser and light treatments.

The best course of treatment to erase the visible effects of sun damage can vary depending on the type and degree of damage and how much natural melanin is in the skin. The space of this article cannot accommodate an explanation of all the options, but let’s explore the benefits of one easy solution known as phototherapy. Intense Pulsed Light, also known as IPL, can target browns and reds on people with fair to medium skin tones.

Skinpossible uses a medical-grade IPL known as a BBL that allows our skilled technicians to choose a wavelength and pulse width to target brown or red pigment at the appropriate depth for each. The BBL has built-in cooling which can make the use of high energy safe. With cooling, the skin can tolerate multiple passes to target browns and reds simultaneously in the same treatment. 

A single treatment will make a dramatic improvement for browns and multiple treatments repeated two weeks apart can restore skin to very even tones. Photorejuvenation can reduce overall redness, flushing, and tiny blood vessels associated with rosacea, high blood pressure, or trauma. The underlying skin condition that causes Rosacea will eventually resurface so periodic maintenance treatments may be required. 

Reds are more stubborn and will often require a series of three to five treatments repeated four weeks apart.

What is Phototherapy?

Look years younger with Broadband Light Phototherapy! It Restores your skin's natural beauty and blends its natural colours

Time, active lifestyles, and other factors can cause pigment and textural changes in the skin that affect our complexion. Brown skin discolorations such as sun spots and age spots, freckles, and melasma can all be improved with a procedure known as phototherapy or photo rejuvenation. Redness caused by acne, broken blood vessels and rosacea can also be treated at the same time. These medical-grade facial treatments are performed with Sciton’s versatile Broad Band Light (BBL) an innovative approach to the treatment of skin conditions associated with aging.

  • Just Look at the Skin Issues BBL Improves!

  • Reverse the signs of aging caused by sun damage
  • Reduce age spots, freckles, brown spots, and melasma
  • Improve Rosacea and acne
  • Erase fine blood vessels, birthmarks, and nasal veins
  • Reduce superficial scars, lines, and wrinkles
  • Create smoother, brighter, more youthful-looking skin
  • Restore the skin’s natural beauty and blend its natural colours
  • Increase collagen production, tighten pores, and improve skin texture 
 get rid of brown spots

How does BBL Photo Rejuvenation Work?

The light energy delivered by the BBL gently heats the upper layers of the skin at the appropriate depth to achieve the desired effect. The versatility of this groundbreaking technology allows us to tailor your treatment to match your skin condition and selectively target and eliminate the fine vessels that cause redness, the unwanted melanin responsible for pigmented lesions, and the bacteria that causes acne.


Treatable Conditions with BBL Photo Rejuvenation


This hereditary condition that causes redness in the cheeks, nose, and face can be kept under control with phototherapy.

Brown Spots:

The most common form of sun damage will appear as small tan or brown spots which tend to be darker than usual freckles and that do not go away in the winter. They vary in size and usually appear on the face, neck, chest, back, hands, arms, or anywhere that gets a lot of sun exposure. Some sunspots are large and can darken and thicken over time. Some can become skin cancer.


Excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays can cause permanent stretching of small blood vessels in the skin. This can result in red pigmentation in the skin that may be mottled in appearance.


Brown discolorations that do not look like spots but more like stains are usually Melasma, a condition often triggered by hormones. Melasma is not sun damaged but will darken dramatically after very little sun exposure. Skinpossible’s BBL has built-in cooling so we can adjust the parameters to keep the epidermis cool. We have found that a single affordable BBL treatment can fade Melasma by 60-90%. Caution is required with this option because treating too aggressively or repeating too soon could cause a rebound.


Reddish-brown pigmentation that is splotchy and uneven and may be sprinkled with white spots is also sun damage. This type of sun damage is most common on the neck and chest when the skin is chronically exposed to the sun.



*The satisfaction rating for this treatment is very high but results do vary from person to person. While we can control the technology and the parameters we set, it is beyond our ability to control how any individual will respond to any treatment. 

Phototherapy FAQ

  • What is the difference between BBL Photo Rejuvenation and a MicroLaserPeel? +

    BBL Photo Rejuvenation uses concentrated light to selectively target deep into the dermis without injuring the surface of the skin. It improves a range of cosmetic concerns including: discolourations, unsightly veins and redness. BBL has the added benefit of providing an overall "rejuvenated" effect to the skin and because the surface layers of the skin remain intact there is minimal downtime and less risk and discomfort than more invasive lasers such as the erbium MicroLaserPeel. The MicroLaserPeel uses the power of heat and light in a targeted beam to remove and resurface the skin to diminish wrinkles, discolourations and other surface irregularities along with improving the overall texture and tone of skin. Removing the surface layers requires downtime for the skin to shed and fully heal, and carries a risk of infection, pigment changes and scarring. Another significant difference that cannot be overlooked is the cost! A MicroLaserPeel costs several times more than a BBL Photo Rejuvenation treatment
  • Which provides a better result? +

    Results of a Split Face Comparison conducted at the Department of Dermatology at Stanford University Medical Center (Volume 34 Issue 6, Pages 763 - 772, Published March 3, 2008) found that of nine participants who underwent three treatments each, using erbium resurfacing on one side of the face and intense pulsed light phototherapy on the other. They experienced no significant difference between the randomly assigned sides. The conclusion of this study was that patients preferred the light-based treatment because it resulted in less downtime.
  • How many treatments will it take? +

    Sciton's BBL is the Gold Standard in photo rejuvenation but clinical results do vary from individual to individual. The technology is predictable but your skin's response to the technology is not. Multiple treatments (usually 3-5, spaced 2-4 weeks apart) may be required to obtain the desired result.
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