Skinpossible Dermapue chaparral calgary


Air bubbles, Allergic reaction and Severe blood clots. That is why laser vein therapy is better than injections. 
Laser Vein Therapy has become very popular because it’s non-invasive and offers many advantages over Sclerotherapy, including the ease of treatment. Sclerotherapy may take many treatments, and each vein requires a separate injection. Tiny/matted spider veins are often extremely difficult to treat this way and may be too small to even be injected at all.

However, this type of vein is easily treated with a laser. LVT has no needles involved. LVT is non-invasive.
No. Your body has miles and miles of blood vessels. When the damaged vessels are closed off and reabsorbed, your body will simply reroute blood flow through other healthy vessels.
After your initial course of treatments, the vessels that have been treated will be gone forever. However because those being treated are prone to developing these broken vessels, new ones may appear down the road. This is why touch-up treatments may be needed, when these will be needed is different for everyone. Touch-ups may be done once every few months or whenever the client notices new vessels appearing.
A pulse of laser light feels like a small pinch or sting similar to the snap of a rubber band against the skin. No local anesthesia is required and the procedure is well tolerated by most people. For people with very sensitive skin, a medical-grade topical anesthetic can be provided.  Any redness or swelling should be gone within a day and you’ll be able to resume normal activities immediately.

·       Not all veins are suitable for laser vein removal.  Varicose veins or veins larger than 3 mm cannot be treated.

·       You should not have laser vein removal if you are pregnant.

·       Patients prone to photo seizures should not have laser vein removal.

·       Use of Accutane within 6 months.

·       If you are using photosensitive drugs, anticoagulants or blood thinners caution must be taken.

Treatments are extremely fast but how long it takes will depend on how many spider veins there are to be treated.  Treatments are priced based on the amount of estimated time it will take to perform each treatment.  They are sold in 15 minute, 30 minute and 60 minute increments and we will treat as many veins as we can within the allocated treatment time.

Avoid sun exposure and wear SPF 30 sun block for a minimum of one month after treatment on all treated areas.  We recommend Colorescience Sunforgetable Mineral SPF or Tizo Mineral SPF both of which can be purchased at Skinpossible.   Premature sun exposure increases the risk of post-inflammatory hyper pigmentation which is usually transient in nature but could be permanent.

Usually only one to two treatments are sufficient but this depends on the number, colour and size of the vessels being treated.  Treatments can be purchased one at a time or as a series of three with cost savings advantages.  This is our best value for patients that want to rid themselves of troublesome leg and facial veins that are sporadic and not definitive to one particular area or body part.  Over a period of years new veins may appear and new treatment plans may be needed.

During a laser vein removal treatment a concentrated beam of light energy from the laser is directed precisely at the small blood vessels.  The light penetrates below the surface of the skin and the heat causes the blood within the tiny vessels to coagulate.  The walls of the vein collapse, blood flow is stopped and over the next two to eight weeks the vein is absorbed into the body and disappears. Blood flow will then be redirected to veins deeper below your skin’s surface where it should be.  

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