To get the most out of your investment we suggest placing one drop of Latisse into the cap of a bottle and then dipping a very tiny eye liner brush into the cap. Apply to the skin at the base of your upper lashes, like you would apply eyeliner. One drop is usually enough to cover both eyes. You only need to apply to your upper lash (Not your lower lashes). Latisse comes with a supply of disposable brushes that will use more product than necessary. We suggest using a small sanitary pair scissors to cut half the bristles off for economical usage. Alternatively you can use your own thin eyeliner brush being sure to clean the brush with gentle cleanser, rinse and let dry after every use.
You will need to use Latisse once per day. Try to make it a part of your daily routine. Placing your Latisse next to your other daily skin care products will serve as a reminder. We suggest applying the product at night after you have washed your face and have applied your regular skin care.
If you miss a day, its ok! Continue as usual with only one application per day. Applying more will just waste the product and may cause irritation. You really only need 1 drop of product per day.
After you have reached your desired effect you may wish to use the product every other day. But remember, if you stop using Latisse completely your lashes will go back to how they were before treatment.