Skinpossible Dermapue chaparral calgary



Freezing Fat? 

The terms muffin top, love handles, and saddlebags are words we use to describe pockets of fat.  As we age, some of us tend to accumulate fat around our midsections.  Others are simply genetically predisposed to carry fat disproportionately at any age.  Sometimes exercise and healthy eating just isn’t enough to eliminate these stubborn bulges. 

Getting and staying lean enough may not be doable, sustainable or even healthy.  Even when we succeed it may not look good, especially for women.  The bulges are gone but now our faces appear gaunt or our curves have disappeared.   Lots of people have  stubborn pockets of fat that are simply resistant to diet and exercise.  Until recently surgical lipo-suction was the only option.  Now there is CoolSculpting, a non-invasive medical procedure that freezes away fat!  

 The technology behind CoolSculpting was born in the 1970’s from the simple observation that children who ate a lot of popsicles had dimpling in their cheeks due to the excessive exposure to cold. Research determined that when fat is exposed to extreme temperatures for a specific period of time it will freeze, while other tissue remains unharmed.  Now, that called for some further investigation!  Surely this phenomenon could be put to good use!  Thus, CoolSculpting was developed by Harvard Medical School.  In five short years CoolSculpting has proven itself and is quickly becoming a household name.  

      Research has shown that when fat cells are frozen they crystallize and undergo apoptosis.  What this means in layman’s terms is that the cold exposure causes the cells to die much the same as they would from natural old-age. The difference is that when cells die of old-age they replicate themselves before they pass away.  In this case there is no time to replicate.  The fat clears from the body gradually through its natural physiological processes.

  This revolutionary fat freezing procedure is a clinically proven alternative to liposuction that can reduce localized pockets of fat, but it important to understand that it is not for weight-loss.  It is for body-contouring.  CoolSculpting is a safe alternative to surgical lipolysis for men and women who are predisposed to a stubborn pocket of fat despite maintaining a healthy bodyweight.  

    CoolSculpting is most often used to target fat on the abdomen, the outer thighs, and the flanks.  Other areas that patients commonly seek out include back fat, manboobs, inner thighs, and arms.  In most cases only one treatment is required, although patients looking to de-bulk may require a second round.  If you are within thirty pounds of your ideal weight you could be a candidate for CoolSculpting.

    A CoolSculpting treatment begins with an assessment. The treatment plan is mapped out to determine how many areas need to be treated to achieve the desired result.  During a treatment the appropriate sized applicator is applied based on the shape of the body and the amount of fat to be treated. A thin protective pad saturated with coupling gel is then placed on the treatment area and the appropriate applicator is applied. Then you simply relax for an hour or two while the fat freezes. 

    Five handpieces of various sizes accommodate different areas of the body.  The CoolMax™ handpiece is for debulking, while CoolCurve™ and CoolCore™ are for sculpting areas with less fat.  CoolFit™ works well on arms and inner thighs.  The newest handpiece, CoolSmooth™, is designed to treat fat on areas such as the outer thighs.  Application of any of the handpieces is known as a cycle.  How many cycles you need to achieve the result you seek will be determined at the time of your consultation.  

   CoolSculpting works well!  In fact, it works so well that Skinpossible recently purchased a second unit to we can perform two cycles at the same time.  What this means for our patients is faster treatment times.  Skinpossible is a Premier CoolSculpting Treatment Provider and is the only DualSculpting clinic in Alberta.  Our advanced CoolSculpting technicians are graduates of CoolSculpting University and have performed more than 700 treatments.  

    If you would like to know if you are a candidate for CoolSculpting, call and book your free assessment.  We’ll book a time to meet with you in person and give you all the information you need to make an informed decision.  Stubborn fat has met its match!  Muffin tops, love handles, saddlebags, banana rolls, back fat, manboobs, be gone!

Skinpossible offers Dualsculpting two machines for faster treatment times! 


Book you Free Consultation Today! 403.719.6523





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