Skinpossible Dermapue chaparral calgary




Has fun in the sun left you covered in spots?

You might think they are freckles. On children those adorable spots are surrounded by clear unpigmented skin. Freckles usually fade in early adulthood and the even toned skin that remains is a sign of youth. Brown pigmentation on adult skin is usually sun damage! The spots are solar lentigines and they get worse as we get older. Perhaps that’s why they are known as age spots.  >>


Or are you flushing when you're not blushing?

Red pigmentation can also result from excessive sun damage along with other causes. Either way, red and brown pigmentation affect the appearance of skin. Many women cover up uneven red and brown pigmentation with makeup. Men can’t do much to camouflage either. The good news is that there are solutions within medical aesthetics that can restore skin to even tones, whatever the cause.

Red pigmentation can also result from excessive sun damage along with other causes. Either way, red and brown pigmentation affect the appearance of skin. Many women cover up uneven red and brown pigmentation with makeup. Men can’t do much to camouflage either. The good news is that there are solutions within medical aesthetics that can restore skin to even tones, whatever the cause.

Let’s start by looking at some of the causes of red and brown discolouration:

Sun damage
The most common form of sun damage will appear as small tan, or brown spots which tend to be darker than usual freckles. They vary in size and usually appear on the face, neck, chest, back, hands, arms, or anywhere that gets a lot of sun exposure. Some sun spots are large and can darken and thicken over time. Some can become skin cancer.

Reddish-brown pigmentation that is splotchy and uneven and may be sprinkled with white spots is also sun damage. This type of sun damage is most common on the neck and chest when skin is chronically exposed to the sun.

Actinic Keratosis
These rough, scaly, raised patches that range in colour from pale to brown are also caused by sun exposure. They too can become cancerous.

Excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays can cause a permanent stretching of small blood vessels in the skin. This can result in a red pigmentation that may be mottled in appearance.

Flushing can also be caused by a condition known as Rosacea. Rosacea is not sun damage and there are different types. Rosacea may be accompanied by small visible blood vessels and is sometimes associated with acne-like breakouts. Progressive Rosacea can result in thickening of the skin on the nose that resembles the texture of orange peel. Skin may be sensitive. It may sting, burn or become inflamed. 

Brown discolorations that do not look like spots but more like stains are usually Melasma, a condition often triggered by hormones. Melasma is not sun damage but will darken dramatically after very little sun exposure.

Reds and Browns, be GONE!

The best course of treatment to erase the visible effects of sun damage and other causes of pigmentation concerns can vary depending on the type and degree of damage and how much natural melanin is in the skin. The space of this article cannot accommodate an explanation of all the options. As you may know, Skinpossible has more technology than any other medical aesthetics clinic in Calgary, so the options are broad. They range from medical-grade phototherapy for sun damage, flushing and rosacea on fair skin types, Frac3 for brown pigment on darker skin, Active FX for textured lesions, a cold microlaser peel for melasma, laser vein therapy for blood vessels, to a condition specific skincare regime.

If your skin no longer radiates youth due to pigmentation concerns, let me tell you that it is not something you have to live with. Nor do you have to fear being seen without your makeup on. Call and book a consultation to come in and learn which of the options will be right for you. Our style of consultation is educational. During a consultation we take the time to thoroughly explain things to you and make sure you have all of the information you need to make an informed decision. No pressure. No obligation. Consultations at Skinpossible are free and so is parking.



*results may vary

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